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Yilan, looking out to the sea on Taiwan's northeast coast, is surrounded by
mountains, which forms a unique geography that has nurtured an equally distinctive
cultural landscape and human warmth. The county is home to Asia's second longest
highway tunnel, the Hsuehshan Tunnel, which has reduced the driving time between
Yilan and Taipei to less than 50 minutes. With a pristine natural environment, cold
and hot springs, a wealth of ocean recreation resources and verdant country scenes,
Yilan offers the perfect setting to slow down and enjoy nature at its best.

Yilan is a county blessed with natural beauty and a rich culture. It is home to a

diverse population and a government concerned with maintaining the beauty of the
county. Yilan's strength lies in its community. Through active participation and strong
cooperation between its citizens and government, county decisions are made that
fulfill the needs of the county and its residents. Working together, the community of
Yilan looks forward to a bright future.

Yilan Country Government - http://enwww.e-land.gov.tw/